Friday, 22 June 2012

Im sitting in the car right, my mum says "Ill come back in a minute just wait in the car" I sit there for what seems like forever when I decide look at the clock to see how many minutes my mum meant (3 mins had passed) then i get the urge to lock the doors i reach for the big red lock button, when everybody around me seems like they want to get in my car. everybody seems to be coming towards the car WHEN THE TRUTH IS THEY DONT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGE MY EXISTENCE. SCARY MUCH :)

Annoying much! I have an annoying relative that comments on all I post on fb. I have an ipod touch so whenever i get a notification it makes a noise and lights up (doesn't seem that annoying right? but it is). Its annoying because the fact that he lives on the other side of the world we have a 6 hour difference. So I could be in bed (sleeping) and i hear a noise. i look at my ipod and it says you have 3 new notification pending. I look and they are all from HIM! Now whenever i see him "YTF did you wake me up' is all i can think. It will haunt me forever! :)

I mean fine but when they know that they are not funny it just ruins the whole word FUNNY i mean who do they think they are taking the FUN out of the word FUNNY especially when your friends dont laugh it just makes the scene a hole lot more embarrassing.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

This is so annoying!! There are times when your friend comes bounding in to see you and says hello and to you it seems like she is the most over-confident, smug, awful person you have ever had the misfortune to meet. You then blank her for the rest of the morning until you remember she's your best friend and she never actually did anything to you... you then just have to hope she gets over it as quickly as you have. :-)

What if? Well lets think. Have you ever thought something about somebody that you never had the guts to say it to their face? Now imagine if you had said that to that somebody would you be a different person? Would you have different friends, different enemies. A different opinion on people. Think about it! :)

Yeah true yet again! And of course we get piles of homework over the two days of freedom instead of during the week where everyone feels like their life is over. Every Friday you wait in hope that the teachers will forget about homework until the very last minute when someone comes out with 'Sorry but you forgot our homework'. The teacher then decides that they better give you a three week topic to make up for the fact you almost missed a 20 minute sheet. You then go and bash your head against the wall while trying to work out how on earth you're going to fill a scrapbook with stuff off wikipedia.

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Totally true!
In fact a couple of weeks ago I needed a new jumper but being me had absolutely no money, so fortunately my mum leaped at the chance to have a bonding day out with her daughter... at Westfield.
Anyway we were just in Topshop when I glanced across only to see a group of kids from my school right outside, by themselves, with no parents... right as I was planning my escape route my mum shouted very loudly, 'Honey, what dress size are you?' Only using my actual name. The fact I turned bright red didn't exactly help the situation, I turned round and started frantically looking through a pile of jumpers hoping they would think I was by myself and they had imagined the voice?! I then discovered that I was actually sorting through men's trousers and dashed into a nearby changing room and staying there for 15 minutes.
Message? Don't go to shopping with your mum, it could ruin your life.

See this is why I failed my recent history exam, it's that feeling where you get up in the morning and go 'Right today I'm am going to memorise the entire French revolution, two minutes later you see a bird and decide to chase it down the street only to return five hours later with an ice cream, two cupcakes and your blackberry in your hands feeling that it's far too late to do any revision now and looking at birds counts as biology revision, plus having to count out change for the ice cream, which, technically counts as maths.
You then fall asleep watching T.V deciding that as you worked so hard today you have earned a day off tomorrow.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Totally true! I mean what if the kid being fed this stuff never actually stopped believing and they grew up, married some person who also still believed in Santa and that lot! Their kid would wake up on Christmas morning all excited, see their empty stocking and feel as if their life was over, not to mention both the parents having their hearts destroyed realising their beloved Santa was no longer around... it could happen if you think about it. And all this because of lies parents spread. So parents can't accuse us of lying as the big lies come from parents themselves. :)

My friend wanted to kill herself because of this rule... Last week was Exam week and in the maths word didn't fit with word. And then there are the weird, alien names they give their odd characters who for some reason want to know how much chocolate they've consumed instead of just stuffing their face with it like a normal human being with a normal name.

True! Very True!
Have you ever been in this situation? Well I have. I think it was last wednesday. (it was last wednesday)  I had been owed money for the last 3 weeks (i really needed it at this point) and she said i had been given the money back (i definitely hadn't). In the End i went up to my room (without my money) after being told to stop answering back. :(